Come on in to

"Men Helping Men"

the Men's Shed of Langley, B.C., Canada

Bullet in Board

Send us an email if you'd like to meet the guys.

No obligation. No cost. No pressure. Just a lot of positive vibes, good conversation and great laughs, backed by purpose, commitment and understanding. We gather, teach and share skills with each other.

If membership turns out to be for you, we will arrange a visit and tour of our Shed. Talk it over a coffee with us. Find out what we are all about. We are currently using our woodworking shop, and soon our laser cutter/engraver and 3-D printer will be operating at full potential.

We have our meetings at Ricky's Restaurant at 5978 Glover Road every Monday morning at 10:30.

Hey, we could use your help.

Just recently, MP Taylor Bachrach (Skeena-Bulkley Valley) gave a short speech in the House of Commons about Men Sheds in Canada. Here it is on YouTube, if you want to watch & listen to it:

Thank You!

Shedders, Last Thursday we awarded our shed hosts, Mike & Suzanne Robinson, a rebuilt bench for their property and a $300.00 gift certificate to the Bacchus Bistro, for their kindness in providing our beautiful shed location.

We are eternally thankful.

New photos added.

Our new shed hours are:

11AM - 4PM

Please memorize this.

Welcome to Men's Shed Langley

Discover a place where men can come together, share their skills, and form meaningful connections. Men's Shed Langley offers a supportive environment where you can avoid isolation and contribute to the betterment of our community. Join us in advocating respect, decency, and friendship.

Two Allouette Men's Shed members, Richard & Wayne, visiting our 'shed' location.....

and GG of Men's Shed Langley (middle).

Our SHED is on the most beautiful property, with a pond, many exotic and natural trees, ecclectic sculpture and sweeping fields of grass.

We have a fine escape from the noise and sawdust of working together with good coffee, out on the patio.

Our Men's Shed Photos

One photo may replace a thousand words but nothing can replace the fun, embarrassment and pride we experience while taking them.

Happily receiving a $500.00 cheque from 'Langley Seniors in Action' members Paul Crump (right centre) and Ron Bergen (left centre), are President Ray Girard (right side) and Vice-president Alex Paylor (left side)..... of Men's Shed Langley.

Here we see Jan from Fraser Lake Men's Shed, and Ray from Men's Shed Langley, pointing out a couple of the trouble-makers they've noticed.

Our first actual meeting. Boy, we hadn't a clue what we were getting into. So far, we've figured it out as we go, and today we are not doing too bad.

Langley...has a Men's Shed.

( I'd mention who we are...but I forgot. )

Here we have Alex, assuming the requisite Hazmat pose. He did most of the work.

Our wonderful Shed had just one little rat dropping area that needed to be disinfected, cleared and scrubbed.

Drastic measures were needed.

Fearless workers were utilized.

Pandemonium reigned. Job done!

This is Bubonic Ray, doing his "I'm A Little Teapot" routine at a most inappropriate time. He mostly pointed at what had to be done.

Picking & sifting through a trailer-load of wood that was destined for the transfer station, our Men's Shed group sorted out needed firewood and good project wood. Thanks to the property owner for putting up with a mess for a few days.

Maurice (L) and Joe, trying to get their motor started..... no, literally. And Bruce (R) offering no help at all.

Ken Karleen, driving one of his favourite memories.

A project Bruce brought in to show us. I can't see anyone not wanting this for a small plant holder or a squirrel or bird feeder. Love it!

...and here's Bruce making coffee. I've never seen this brewing method before. Coffee tasted like Cedar, with a delightful hint of metal shavings.

The pond at our Shed was still and quiet, ...except for the Canada Geese, the three huge turtles and the complaining frogs.

On May 10th., 2024, Three Men's Shed Langley members dropped by Kindred Farms to see if they could help out with various needed repairs and constructs. Here we see (L-R) Maurice, Greg, Badger, Marilyn, Alex, George. Marilyn, George & Badger are from Kindred Farms. Considering the fine job Kindred Farms do of helping out distressed farm animals and distressed humans, we will gladly try to assist in repairs.

Today, John Leigh is our 'sand-man'. Our first bench is just paint and assembly away from completion.

With no deadlines, woodworking never becomes 'work'. Here we see Don, Greg and Bill wondering how much wood a woodchuck could chuck if........

Senior's Week in Langley (2024), and Men's Shed Directors, Alex and Ray, are joined by a two-legged, Ontario visitor, Rick on the left,... and the four-legged companion of Alex's: Kai (who brought more folks to our table than our three handsome faces could manage).

'Function before Beauty'...but Bruce's work table, assembled in a few hours, is a beauty for it's function.

Bill's beloved cedar strip canoe has seen better days, but fun has it's toll. We will try to address it's ills without changing the character.

Rough sawn yellow cedar, milled down to a usable size...smells great. What will it tell us to make?

Our new presentation vehicle, for explanitory YouTube vids, photos or the occasional 'big game'....looks down over our lounge. RibFest 2024. It was a spectacular festival to be involved with. Men's Shed Langley were there, solely to support Ron Cares Society. The sights, sounds and BBQ smells were like a 'circus of sensations'.

Being our First showing at any festival, we had stars in our eyes.

RibFest was a learnng experience for our Shed.

A fine day was had by all.

Jack brought his family's 100 year old bench to the shed for refurbishing. Bruce did a fine job of keeping its appearance vintage. We are so glad we could repair this memory.

Bruce, our woodworking steward, turned rough-sawn Yellow Cedar into a fine, traditional bench. Mortise & tenon with pegged shoulders. Strong & classy.

See three pics below.

I should mention that a few others helped with this project by sanding, offering another set of hands, pointing out how WE would have done it, and by making coffee.

John (R), and Bruce discuss hot glue, epoxy or a coffee break.

Joe & Maurice cut the board to size (for the third time.)

Joe (L) and Maurice work on new gates for Kindred Farms. It's like watching a comedy routine.

Bruce's Yellow Cedar bench creating a fine focus, in a simple backyard.

A revitalized classic with new paint and bolts.

More ornate, but ready to receive the derrières of those passing by.

Here we see Bill, our current 'chairman', happily hearing that epoxy will eventually come off his hands in 2 or 3 years.

Ray finally finished a 3' x 1' raised planter for small patios. Cedar with oak legs. Moisture sealed with a black cloth liner.

(Don't worry. I wiped all the blood off.) ~ray

Our work on the Kindred Farms gate is nearing completion. Maurice & Joe are in charge, and it looks like a SOLID unit.

Here we see a small collection of 'Bruce Built' adorning our Shed wall. Soon, we will be needing more walls.

Dascha, upstanding member of our Langley community was trying to sell her flat, but a few small repairs to her deck needed attention, to give a better impression, so we thought we'd step in for free.

Satisfied, she donated a couple of used electric heaters for our Men's Shed.

A win-win, for sure!

As you can see, our private, 'Men Only' Christmas Party was a rousing success. It was not easy to rent out Hogswort. A 'proper' good time was had by all.

OK, now the Real photos. A few of us took these shots. The blurry ones were taken ...after a few shots. So good to finally meet the ladies who were instrumental in getting the guys into the Men's Shed Langley.

Another beautiful bench comes together with a hand-painted rose. Wood and iron together always work well.

Here, Bruce (L), wonders where his only pencil has gone. John, (centre) refuses to rat on Arlen (R).

In our 'woodstove-warmed' lounge, Bill (R) proposes we buy more pencils. The rest, (Alex, John, Bruce) are not listening as we just pigged out on Bruce's upsidedown apple pie & coffee.


(in no particular order)

Ray Girard -President

Originally from Ontario, I am retired from 25 yrs. of radio broadcasting (DJ). Interests: Sailing, graphic arts, German Shepherds, tiny houses, physics, photography, high-end audio, furniture design, astronomy, bojutsu, karate, PhotoShop, quantum mechanics, coffee, beer tasting, humour, woodworking, writing, car concepts, travel, voiceover & many more.

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."~Groucho Marx

Bruce Lee

woodworking steward

Originally from Australia,
now retired from a career as Building Contractor and Finishing Carpenter.
Interests : Cedar strip canoe and kayaks, Lotus Super 7 cars, Custom furniture, Kayaking, Adventure travels, Long distance road trips, Organic gardening, Arts & crafts.

Alex Paylor (V-Pres.)

Mike Jennings

Brad Tompkins

Ken Rafuse

Originally from Manchester, England, Alex spent many years in broadcasting as a 'DJ', and as a a newsman, on various stations in N.S., Ont. and N.B.

Interests: Puns, soccer (Manchester United), British comedy, Classic cars, Chihuahuas, writing, proper grammar, cooking and puns.....and puns.

Originally from Liverpool, he is the President of Men's Sheds for the province of B.C.

Interests: Sailing his Nonsuch and helping any B.C. Men's Shed in any way.

Ken seems to live life on the edge. Having spent some time in a multiverse, he comes up with some unusual ideas.

Interests: swimming, podcasting, helping seniors avoid scams, humour, loves technology, and getting lost.

Originally from somewhere, Brad now works fulltime at peacekeeping. He, therefore, can't make all the meetings, but he is still one of us.

Interests: motorcycles, travel, marathons.

Jack Nazaroff

Jack is from Brilliant, in the Kootneys. He has retired from 35 years as an RN in various healthcare positions in BC and internationally.

Interests: organic gardening, making rhubard muffins for the Men's Shed.

Ken Karleen

Ken is a Langleyite...a Langler, ...a Langleyee now, but has been living in various Canadian locations. Ken is our $6000 man, with bionics all over, which won't allow him to pass through metal detectors or go near MRI machines.

Interests: old sports cars (a devout '55 Chevy fan)

Rick Jones

Rick has been operating various equipment around Vancouver, including transit buses, for many a year.

Interests: Hunting, shooting, fishing, automotive.

Maurice Blouin

Interests: Woodworking, metalwork, machining, welding, small tool repair, house building, epoxy repair. He is a great addition to our collection of skills.

Joe Scelsa

Joe was born in Foggia, Italy and makes all our pizzas.

Interests: Joe tinkers with magnets, motors and electricity. We now have free power at our shed.

Maurice is a true Canadian from High Prairie, Alberta. He runs his own 'True Blue' metal wire products company...not fully retired yet.

John Leigh

John Limpo

From the Philippines, John is our youngest member, so far (or he just looks it).

Interests: Learning woodworking, and anything else.

Originating from the UK, John was into the movement of electrons through wire.

Interests: "I will help with anything!"

Greg Purgavie

Greg recently joined, and his talents are very welcomed here....but according to a Google search, he doesn't really exist. We'll have to ask more questions.

Interests: woodworking, general fix-up, supplies, learning new skills.

Bill Nenninger

Don Simpson

Don found us from our Facebook page after retiring recently.

Interests: Longshoreman Don is into steel fabrication, wood working, Hi-Fi gear, sports and smoking meats. Man, is he going to find retirement busy.

It was ....uhhh, 'suggested' by his wife to come to a Men's Shed meeting, and Bill did not want to disappoint, here he is. WE....are not disappointed.

Interests: Photography, woodworking when possible.

Dana has already become a valuable member of our shed through his many interests and talents. This kind of energy ...exhausts the rest of us.

Interests: woodwork, metalwork, pottery, leatherwork, jewelery, RC planes, metal electroforming, gold panning, instrument making, armoursmith, weaponsmith, photography, medieval reenactment, archery, etc.

Dana Sodergren

Ken Creasey

More info to come in this slot.

Interests: Railroad, travel

Al Gibson

Awaiting more information.

Interests: Multiple hobbies inspried by multiple jobs, resulting in multiple skills.

Andre Pienaar

Born in South Africa, Andre handled many jobs of different types. Having found our Men's Shed ...we are enhanced by new skills and needed talents.

Interests: Marketing, administration, and a healthy desire to learn new skills.

Raymond Uttaro

Born in the great city of Montreal, he and his family came out to B.C. because his dad wanted to fish on the West Coast. (Some people are Focused.)

Interests: Computers, music, video, home theatre, high end audio.

Jerry Walter

Jerry is 100% British Columbian with many years growing up in Vancouver & California. He worked with very early computer systems (punch tape on reels) and devised various systems and programs years ago.

Interests: Carpentry, intelligent conversation and politics...the last two being delicate to balance.

Arlen Anderson

Guido Fuchtler

Born in Germany, Guido has been involved with F1 car racing. He also enjoys solving puzzels.

Henry Ostermann

Formerly heading up the Cloverdale Men's Shed, Henry has found his way to us after the Cloverdale closure. We are very happy to have him aboard as he has dealt with things we haven't yet.

Interests: wood & metal working, home renovations

Frank Harrison

Dave Eddleston

John Robins

Frank grew up in this area so he has seen all the gradule changes. Working as a carpenter, he knows wood and how to talk to it.

Interests: Golf

John told us all about his life last week....and we've since forgotten everything, so we'll get back to you on this.

Interests: woodworking, fishing, camping

Arlen is high on airplanes... building them & flying them. Still a modern hippie, he can be found most shed days working on his cat enclosure (which is bigger than his house).

Interests: Flying, carpentry, cars, woodworking.

Kai Paylor

Honourary member and pal of Alex, Kai makes sure all our shed members pass a 'sniff' test before entering. With a bark as shrill as thickness planer, we always know when someone arrives.

Interests: barking, sniffing, eating, sleeping....and the other stuff. Also has a strange interest in the 3D printer.

Other, ...NOT Men's Shed Photos

Just interesting shots of interest, for our interest and possibly yours.

Should you believe that any of these photos violate your copyright, please contact us with evidence, and we will take action immediately.

*Report Copyright Infringement*



We gather at Ricky's Restaurant East, at 5978 Glover Road, just off the Langley Bypass.

We hope 10:30 AM is not too early for you. Being a restaurant, coffee and/or breakfast is available.


Men's Shed Langley


"Through companionship, respect and sheer humanity, the Men's Shed Langley Society endeavours to create a welcoming space for conversation, friendship and purpose, while quietly reversing isolation, loneliness and depression, by engaging in useful projects... both for ourselves and our community."

Our email:


The Simple, Simple


-A Men's Shed is a group of men who get together, whenever they want, to do whatever they want, for the good of their wellness and/or for a purpose, ……………or just for fun.

The Simple Version

-A Men's Shed is men, first and foremost, …a shed location, some equipment, a purpose, with an underlying thread of defeating isolation and loneliness.

This is a World Wide organization of separate, but interacting Sheds, which help and learn from each other, while doing personal or community projects of all kinds.

The In-depth Version

-Men's Sheds originated from the shed in a backyard scenario, where a man would go and carry out tasks, such as restoring furniture or fixing lawn mowers.

The first men's shed (by that name) was opened in Tongala, Victoria, Australia on July 26, 1998. Currently, the number of Men's Sheds worldwide is approaching 3,000, in 12 countries.

A Men's Shed provides a safe and friendly environment where men can work on meaningful projects. Men work at their own pace, in their own time, in the company of other men. It's a place where you can learn or teach new skills and find new opportunities and interests while making new friends.

A Shed offers men an alternate way to reach out to avoid 'isolation' while giving back to society. The mental wellness aspect cannot be overrated. Men don't tend to discuss their problems or anxieties, but in the context of a project, or if they encounter another with a similar problem, it begins to come out, to an understanding group.

Many men, who don't have any real problems, just revel in the relaxed atmosphere of respect, decency and friendship. Regardless of your politics, religion or race, ...or age (as long as you are 18 or older), we will accept you in to take on a job, teach what you know, learn what you don't, ...or just drop in and hang around and gab over a coffee.

“Contrary to general belief, work comes easier for older people if they are in good health, because they have learned through years of practice how to arrive at a given place by the shortest path.” ~Nokola Tesla

S.O.S.- 'Slower, Older, Smarter' ~Unknown

"I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened." ~Mark Twain

"My first thought was with the shed, because that's where my adventures really began" ~Steven King

" for the cheap, the lazy and the weak." ~Drarig Yar